
Keeping Japan in my prayers

I can't stop thinking about Japan these days. My heart aches for all the people suffering, all the pain they feel, the frustration, the losses they have suffered, the panic they feel. And I so wish I was able to do something for them. Or at least for one person, just to make a tiny difference in all the suffering.

My sister-in-law is from Japan - and everyone in her family is safe. She has a brother close to Tokyo and is worried about the nuclear cloud, but this is really minor to what others are experiencing.

I was part of the 9/11 clean up in NY, and I know how good it feels to be able to do something positive, something that can bring hope in a desperate situation.

I wish I could go to Japan, but I can't. I have two little girls depending on me.

So, what can little me do?

One thing I can do, is sell the things in my Epla-store (Norwegian Etsy) and give the money to a charity working in Japan. So if I sell something from today and for the next two weeks, the money I make from these sales, will go directly to a charity in Japan. My sister-in-law will find the most suitable for me.
And I can keep Japan and all of the Japanese in my prayers
Be blessed, Tone

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