
DAY 31!!!!!

I promised you another drift wood project, sorry, hasn't happened today!

The 31 days of unfinished projects 2011 are history. I've had such a good time focusing on unfinished projects. I've gotten quite a bit done, my kitchen remodel is moving along, I've sewn a lot, knitted, crochet, decorated house. 

first tutorial tomorrow

I'm also happy I don't have to finish projects every day of the year, it is a bit tiring. There 's a reason things always get finished - priorities, time, need of rest, new exciting ideas.

I have learned a lot about how I procrastinate, though! And I have a better chance to change some of my bad habits now than I did before the 31 days started.

So here is to new beginnings and finishing up projects!

Tomorrow is the new series where my friends and I will give you a brand new tutorial EVERY SINGLE DAY of November.

Here is my button for the 30 days:


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