
Oh JOY - and the ONE thing I will do this weekend

Today has been a truly good day. I got a package claimer in my mail yesterday and I knew it had to be the books I ordered from Amazon - JOY.

My three books
I really would like to make my own patterns for clothes - it is very easy to spot those bloggers who know what they're doing when making clothes and those that make nice clothes, but the clothes don't really fit, know what I mean? There is a tug here and a pull there..

Super cute clothes
So I ordered three books from Amazon - two on making patterns and one with patterns for children's clothes. I can't wait to dig into them.

Lace-trimmed coat
After I picked the books up from the post office, I took the girls to water world - we stayed in the water for four hours - they had a blast. There was even an outside Jacuzzi - with a patch of snow next to it - and of course the two six year olds dove into the snow and then went into the jacuzzi - tough girls. (I did NOT).

This one looks really good
The ONE thing I will do this weekend... mmmh, I've told the girls we're doing dome more tidying tomorrow, and we're building an expedit Ikea shelf to get more clothes out of the way. I also have Sunday school on Sunday. but the ONE thing I want to do this weekend is to go for a walk in the sun with my girls. We still have a lit of snow, but I would love to go for some sort of picnic with them - enjoying the sun.

Last weekend I did get to do the ONE thing I wanted - I finished the skirts for the Once upon a thread challenge - and I have started on the tops, hopefully they'll be finished this weekend.

Very sophisticated

Happy weekend, be blessed, Tone

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